Wednesday, April 29, 2009


God called each and every person to be free from the cares of this world and destruction. In my experience in my walk with Christ, it’s been tough. As humans we have fallen so far from God, MOST people can’t hear from Him. Due to the fact that they allow satin voice to over power Gods voice.

A few weeks ago I seen a movie called Gabriel. The movie was about Ark Angels living an experience here on earth. All of them except Gabriel fell from what God called them to do on earth. Some of the things that caused them to fall are sexual immorality, fear, and doubt. I say these three because these are the main three that was in the movie. Also they cause humans to fall away from what God has called us to walk into.

Sexual immorality causes us to loose focus of the things that we want to do. And what God called us to walk into. It tends to make us just focus on self, and emotions. Most of the time we humans feed that sexual temptation by the things that we see, and hear. Then you find yourself out of the will of God. Next thing you know you are masturbating or fornicating. This would lead you to a place where satan has you by your soul. Because the only thing that would be on in mind is SEX.

Fear played a major factor in the movie. I’m not going to go into detail about the movie, but walking in fear gives satan ALL the power and authority over your life that God has given us. So instead of you having the power and authority to cast down those vain thoughts and imaginations satan comes at you and you can’t do anything about it. That’s because you just handed your authority over to him. Most of the time fear, doubt, and unbelief come from the things that people speak into our lives.

The last thing that stood out in the movie was doubt. Walking in doubt is not a good thing, it leaves no room for God to move on our behalf. So instead of believing God for the impossible you end up a victim. In the movie “Gabriel” ALL of the Ark Angels was operating in doubt. They didn’t think that Gabriel could defeat the enemy that was taking the God given power and authority from the Angels. So you know what satan did! If not, I encourage you to look at the movie. Oh yea, make sure that nobody under 13 is in the room with you.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Keep putting your thoughts out there to expose more of the kingdom of darkness.The fight has already been fixed so theres nothing under the sun that he can pull that we cannot overcome . The fight has been fixed in our favor.

  3. Kidd you have really grown and you got people looking up to you !Dont stop living for God cause we both know! We wil die!
